Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Christian Persecution – In America

Christian Persecution – In America

#‎RAD #‎ATEND G-d (Christ) #‎IIC714


I hear from atheists, with fervency, on an almost daily basis (certainly several times weekly), that - “You whiny Christians, howling about Christian persecution.  You are the single most coddled, catered to, and sucked up to, bunch in America” – interestingly, even atheists from Australia, the UK, South Africa and the Scandinavian region use that same phrase - “Christians are the single most coddled, catered to, and sucked up to, bunch in America”.  Seriously, very, very few (if any) ever say “…bunch in South Africa… bunch in Australia… bunch in the UK…”, which just in and of itself seems odd… if not more rooted in anti-Americanism, than anti-God.  But I digress…  From the typical atheistic mindset, we Christians in America (the West) are the most coddled, catered to, and sucked up to, bunch of people…

And, fact is… we are… when compared to the horrors of what Christians are exposed to in parts of Africa (South Africa notwithstanding), the Middle East, N.  Korea, etc, rather coddled, catered to, and sucked up to (strictly speaking) by comparison.  The argument can be made that Christians are indeed not being persecuted, in America, the way Christians are in many, many other nations and Kingdoms.  That said, what happened to Former Atlanta Fire Chief, Kelvin Cochran - http://bit.ly/2sKsXYk - is deeply disturbing.  Disturbing because, while clearly, he has not had limbs severed, or digits cut (or burned) off, etc., he has had his career, a meritorious career, without blemish, destroyed solely because he holds near-and-dear to his heart - “Christian Values”!

Even after the city of Atlanta had concluded that Cochran - “…had not discriminated against anyone…” - http://bit.ly/2sJfakN - Cochran’s employment was, nonetheless terminated… WHY?  His employment was terminated because, the city of Atlanta alleges Cochran - “…had not obtained the Board of Ethics’s approval in violation of Section 2-280(d) of the City’s Ethics Code.” – EVEN THOUGH - “…constitutionally-speaking, the city cannot require employees to get permission before expressing their religious views.” - http://bit.ly/2sJtjyw - did you catch that?

The city of Atlanta had concluded that Cochran HAD NOT DISCRIMINATED AGAINST ANYONE, and yet… In Spite of it being, CONSTITUTIONALLY-SPEAKING illegal to REQUIRE EMPLOYEES TO GET PERMISSION BEFORE EXPRESSING THEIR RELIGIOUS VIEWS, Cochran’s lack of “permission” was used as grounds for dismissal, thus his EMPLOYMENT WAS, NONETHELESS TERMINATED, for his religious (Christian) views. – CHRISTIAN PERSECUTION

So, yeah… to my many atheist friends (yeah, I really do have a few of you, and I really do love you guys) - “Yes… Christians are being persecuted, for our faith, in America and in Canada, and in the UK, Australia, South Africa etc!”

Just sayin...

What is #RAD?  #RAD is:

R epent of rejecting Christ
A ccept Christ as your Lord
D evelop your relationship with the Living Almighty G-d Himself as your personal Lord and Saviour

John 3:16, Revelation 3:20, Romans 10:9 -10, Revelation 21:27, II Corinthians 5:21 and I John 5:13 / John 20:31!


Ok, Rant dun – © Da Bauz’s take 2018

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Christ Crucified, a Stumbling Block to Jews and Folly to Gentiles

#RAD 2018

#RAD  This is the third weekend of 2018, and today is also the First Day of the Rest of your life

Christ Crucified, a Stumbling Block to Jews and Folly to Gentiles

C 1st Comment

I submit to you that, I Corinthians 1:18 - 31 presents perhaps the single most plain, succinct, and simple explanation for why we Christians need to stay out of ditches.  Should a Christian adhere to Judaic dietary laws, customs and practices?  Should Christians be “Torah Observant”?  Should Christians exclusively seek intellectual wisdom?

Is it possible in one’s quest to relinquish our Western Hellenistic (intellectual, “I believe”) way(s) of thinking, in favour of a more Hebraic (spiritual, “I do”) way of thinking, for one to become so caught up in not in being stuck on intellectualizing everything, that one eventually winds up intellectualizing spirituality?  Paul wrote in I Corinthians 1:22 that – “Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom” and then Paul continues in verse 23 – “but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles”.  We Christians, humankind in general, seem to seek to have things ever more increasingly codified.  Paul said:

Christ Crucified, a Stumbling Block to Jews and Folly to Gentiles

Just sayin...

What is #RAD?  #RAD is:

R epent of rejecting Christ
A ccept Christ as your Lord
D evelop your relationship with the Living Almighty G-d Himself as your personal Lord and Saviour

John 3:16, Revelation 3:20, Romans 10:9 -10, Revelation 21:27, II Corinthians 5:21 and I John 5:13 / John 20:31!


Ok, Rant dun – © Da Bauz’s take 2018